Career Biography
Stefan Marchev graduated from the Faculty of Law of Sofia University in 1998.
His professional experience began as a student in 1995 with an internship in the law partnership "Bratoev, Konov, Spasov and Michev", and for 3 years he worked in the magazine "Commercial Law", and in the period 1997 to 1999 he was the manager of the company "Commercial Law" Ltd., which publishes it.
He has been a lawyer at the Sofia Bar Association since 2001 and a partner in the law partnership "Gigova & Partners" from the end of 2001 until the present.
Specializes in commercial law, commercial insolvency, company law and enforcement proceedings.
He has special interests in the field of cultural heritage protection.
In January 2019, he presented a paper on the topic of international exchange and trafficking of cultural property at an international forum in Milan.
In June 2019, at the National Conference of the Bulgarian Bar, he presented a paper on the importance of international cooperation for the protection of cultural heritage, which accelerates the ratification procedures of the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on the Return of Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Property (
Organisational experience and skills
Stefan Marchev has been a member of the Sofia Bar Council since 28.06.2017 until now and is a member of the Commission for Professional Development and the Commission for Cooperation.
He participates in the preparation of the programs for the professional trainings conducted by the Sofia Bar Association, as well as in the preparation of the scientific program for the conferences organized by the Sofia Bar Association in the period 2017 to date.
As a member of the Sofia Bar Council, he has prepared a number of opinions and proposals on various topics related to the improvement of the work of the Sofia Bar Council and the activities of all lawyers, such as: preparation of the Internal Rules on the measures for the protection of personal data of the SAC and annexes thereto (subsequently made available for use by all lawyers through the website of the SAC as model internal rules); Request to the CPLM for an opinion on the legality of the restriction of search on the website of the SGS ; Opinion on behalf of the SAC on the drafting of the Internal Rules on the measures for the protection of personal data of the SAC and annexes thereto.
In his activities as a member of the Sofia Bar Council, he has also investigated the issue of existing restrictions on lawyers' advertising (here).
Based on his experience as a member of the Sofia Bar Council, together with the other members of the team - including lawyers with different professional backgrounds and organizational skills, he participated in the preparation of the Concept for Modernizing the Work of the Sofia Bar, containing concrete solutions aimed at improving the work of the Bar and of each lawyer.